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God's majesty is manifold |
One wonders why the seagulls get along better than humans do. I was watching them dance and swoop gracefully above the Pacific Ocean off San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, flying in formation above the waves. Even when they are parked along the seashore in the thousands, they do not fight, but are resting and relaxing.
Here in the hostile airport at Baltimore, we have to contend with feral work men staring at females with rape in their minds. They simply cannot think of women as anything but an object for their phallus. What's wrong with these beasts? Are they less than animals? And they are in charge of our personal belongings when we can't even trust them for safety?
We have so many of them wandering around on the loose here in public now in DC, and they do not even bother to carry themselves with any kind of decorum. They yell, scream, wave their arms, even foaming at the mouth, as if they were rabid animals lost in the wilds, rather than at the nation's capital.
They are angry, and if they cannot spread about their filth, lust, and craziness, then they want to spread their distemper and hate and blame. The sad thing is that it works like a contagion. People see them and they pick up on the vibe and it triggers a deep programming. The reinforcement is as easy as plugging into the closed loop of ghetto-echo-chamber...
Like sparks on the highwire, the hate spreads, even if it might be glossed over by fake "joy." They schmooze and gaslight and pretend they are wanting to heal-the-divide but it is in the method of "good-time-charlie." They are even pretending that they care about helping people kick the drugs habit, when it is only done for hoovering in the voters.
As soon as the breadcrumbing from on-high ends, everything will be back to normal, and the resentment and victimhood and guilt-tripping will return, possibly with greater force. In the name of justice, stores are robbed of merchandise, people are randomly mugged and attacked, lives are lost.
Today I saw an aspiring American University student stealing something at Target right in front of me. He just tucked a small yogurt container into his shorts pocket as if it were completely normal. What could I do? The Target store worker was working nearby, but he and the other student had already walked away.
Yes, even in Target items such as socks, underwear, boxers, and hosiery are all locked up. They are too popular for the shoplifters who steal them to resell them on the sidewalk. At least they still allow backpacks, but they have several cops inside the store, that did not deter the shoplifting student at all.
Another semester of exciting K-12 student education begins. For the young ones, there are those who specialize in grooming the special education students guiding them down deviant pathways, while pretending they support law-and-order. Others there are twisted parochial teachers and counselors who are more interested in sexualizing their students than in teaching morality and life-planning. Still others, such as professors, delight in confusing their students with higher-complex games of learned-helplessness and ethical-nihilism.
My vacation this year was cut short due to a cousin who used to be a close family friend. These cousins were my aunt's daughters, and they were so close we saw one another at least six times a year. They came to our house, and we went to theirs in San Francisco. We grew up going to the museums of Golden Gate Park, being treated with delights from Chinatown, and visiting churches in San Francisco.
That was the rub with most of my relatives in San Francisco though: they did not believe in Christianity or Buddhism. They were beautiful mercantile consumerists, and as a child, I often idolized their beauty and artfulness in clothing, make-up, pop-music tastes. Now I realize that they would have done a lot better in the long run if they had learned about God and Jesus. Because as they grew into adults with young families, they were consumed with chasing after the American dream.
Their mockery about us going to church has hardened into a schlerotic intolerance for anything religious or smacking of religiousity. They may be reborn as dung-beetles. Maybe then they will recall that not only did we attend all their weddings, but we helped to take care of grandmother during her last years living in San Francisco, Chinatown.
We discovered that their "honor and respect" for my parents was really just a sham. They were merely being obedient children, following the directions of my aunt. Even though we had gone to Bi-San many times together, countless times during childhood for my grandparents, today they have absolutely no time to do this with us.
When my dad died last year, my mom didn't want me to contact them because she said they would not care. I found it hard to believe---after all, didn't they visit me in the hospital after my surgeries? Well, that was just an act too, because my beloved Aunt had asked them to do that. They stopped communicating with my dad and mom after my aunt passed away.
After my Aunt Lucille died, my cousins set themselves free of all remaining obligations to us, meaning the most expeditious means to cut off any form of relationship. So when I call my cousin, she discusses with me a meeting possibility but there are crucial bad vibes being sent. She doesn't ask about my health, about how I am doing, about my mom, siblings, or even express condolences for my late father (her beloved Uncle). Then she cuts the call off without leaving her phone number, without even telling me the cemetary address. She tries to call again, and leaves another nasty message on the machine, saying she is "too busy to do all that going here and there and everywhere" with me.
What? I had not seen her for many years, and I never call or bother them. I don't even have her email. I said just go to the cemetary or maybe coffee. But I got the message. She was tired of being mistaken for such a "good girl." Per the theory of Kohlberg, I doubt that her moral reasoning goes beyond "Good Girl" appearances and Law-and-Order.
There are a lot of opportunities today in America for short-circuited moral and ethical and spiritual development. Some people just lack the genetic capability; for others, it is a culture that supports an existential amoralism. Many people believe that the only control in their lives is The Law, so if they can shirk The Law, they can become fully self-realized. It it were a matter of situationalism for the good, that would be fine; however, often it is for the sake of abetting crime and spreading anarchy.
Many things attend anarchy in human society that do not even exist in the animal world. We can create hell on Earth with a push of a few buttons today. We can rape and pillage villages and towns and commit more gruesome crimes than even droves of hyenas. There are feral men and women who believe that hell on Earth is worth the bonfire of the moment.
That's why I was reading Job throughout the days of my trial with this troublesome cousin last week. I came to a realization: Job wasn't tested by losing materially or physically only. Satan wanted to test his spiritual resolution. Satan was after Job's soul. Job was falling into cynicism, and he was being rebuked by even a much younger man, Elihu.
It's so much like today that an older person, formerly a model of success, is now scorned and scoffed at by a "proper young aspirant." Once the older person is down on their luck, their friends turn on them, even when they are all presumably "religious." But at the end, it was still just a conversation between God and Job. Job still had what mattered which was the spiritual resources to overcome his losses. God came to Job despite his sorrow and losses.
Maybe Job never recouped his material losses; maybe he never really underwent the trials described except figuratively. He was deprived of all that meant the most to him---whether it was loved ones, career, position in society, certifications, social recognition, honor, respect. He had to have the strength to recoup his dignity, civility, and respect despite greatly diminished circumstances.
This is the type of survivalism that America does not prepare anyone for today. The consequences of lack of coping skills is seen in so many homeless people living on the streets today. It's also seen in the callous desensitized people passing by. They rejoice that their homes are now valued at $2 million dollars in San Francisco, yet cannot connect the dots on the hidden costs paid by people priced out of their apartments.
Our social services operates like a band-aid system whereby the cauterized wound is never addressed or treated. We have to keep the myth of capitalism alive, and spirituality and authenticity in caring for the individual is an extreme rarity. I see this in how the feral people treat older people who are not of their same background. They are regarded quite openly with total and complete disregard even if they have been next door neighbors inside this house. The Catholic Charities night-time program assistant did not even come out to greet the 911-emergency workers and just sat in her office totally oblivious even after the ambulance came and wheeled my frail older friend out in the wheelchair.
This program assistant has done this callous ignoring type thing for almost ten years, so of course, this is supposed to be par normal behavior for her. "If it's not in my work manual, it does not pertain to my duties here." If she works in special education during the day time, and supposedly is more successful than me (because I have never worked long-term in this area), it would not surprise me whatsoever that besides the appearance of law-and-order, there is a covert abetting of sexual grooming taking place in her classrooms.
This is why I had to think so hard this week about why I also practice Buddhism. Because there are also the worst kinds of hypocrites who suddenly appear out of no where. On the plane from Ft Worth to Charlottesville, I sat by two gentlemen of a very odd cast. They claimed to have never met, but something tells me otherwise. Anyway one seemed to be a media guy who was following a Christian music group. Another was a "consultant" who was coordinating an "umbrella group for tracking national religious groups." It was a major operation, he claimed, with a lot of geointelligence involved, and he was busy flipping through his notes and powerpoint for the young man to see. Was this a type of intelligence sharing? Certainly the two could not stop talking about their aspirations which seemed to put Christianity itself quite in the hind seat...
We have had these attempts to control the world as it is according to Garp. Everything becomes not nearly as durable as one once thought. At one time, we had IRS tax season jobs and tax centers all over the country. The center in Fresno lasted between roughly 1975 to 2015, just a short 40 years. The fracking boom is projected to end by about 2040. The only sane leadership in my humble opinion has recently come from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Life is too short to waste on being bitter. Satan loves fear, bitterness, anger, rage, confusion, and chaos. He sows greed, hate, pride, ignorance, and lack of faith. Under those conditions how can there be self-peace, let alone the ability to spread peace and wisdom around the world?