The way my friend tells it, they are a vicious bunch |
Friday, July 8, 2022
How Catholic Charities keeps people down
Monday, June 20, 2022
D.C. Captured by Development Interests: Why Voting is a Waste of Time
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Mayoral Candidate DC Councilman Robert White speaking at Tenant Advocacy Day | (April 24, 2019) |
During the primary, early elections are being held at various locations in District of Columbia, including in the extensively renovated Martin Luther King Public Library.
This voter showed up early and amid all the paperwork for changing party, it still went mostly smoothly. The reason for the snag is that I was told I could not vote in the primary outside my official party declaration. So as an Independent, I cannot vote for any Democrat or Republican candidate. Another snag is the voting bulletin itself. Strangely the voting bulletin provides no information on candidates or candidate statements. Instead the District of Columbia 2022 Voter Guide pages 10-47 contain "sample ballots that will be used in the June 21, 2022 Primary Elections organized by party and ward."
In other words, it is filled with fluff. To its credit, the Board of Elections did provide ballots in Spanish for residents who cannot read English. The back of the ballot is published also, which hardly means anything to most voters. It lists the candidates running for local party offices of their Democratic/Republican State Committee.
But without any information in the printed Voter Guide about the council candidates running, this voter wasted a lot of time thumbing through her smartphone finding out about them from their webpages! Of course a webpage is not much to go on for finding out about the candidate or how they voted. Better information could be found if one attended an ANC meeting regularly, or attended a DC Council meeting, or reviewed the council notes.
However everyone realizes that the DC Council is in the pocket of developers by now. Even favorite councilman Robert White admitted that the pay-to-play system has worked in DC's favor as the developers do contribute to gentrified area improvements: utility upgrades, pedestrian walkways, beautification projects, bike paths, open areas, and so on. In fact, the MLK Library renovation is a grand testimony of such improvement.
However it is like Street Sense Media reporter Reginald Black once described, that these community partnerships are a bane in terms of what locals envision as real improvement---housing for the unhoused and jobs for the chronically underemployed. That is to say, private-public partnerships have a parasitical existence heavily reliant upon huge take-offs of the grants doled out in their favor. For instance, an advocacy organization with four staff will require a yearly payload in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, then add in the costs for production, bidding, and execution, and no wonder gentrification projects are often time-consuming.
Just read about the years of haggling that went into the decision-making for the City Center redevelopment project, NoMa (North of Massachusetts Avenue), and a host of other projects listed by or at According to Wikipedia "CityCenterDC," the project planning began in 1982 connected with the Washington Convention Center site redevelopment. Plans were batted around for decades before the city settled for luxury condominium, hotels, and retail space complex. It gives a glimpse of the backdrop which the public is scarcely aware of, aside from the fancy Tesla car showroom.
Each neighborhood of the Washington, DC metro region, as far away as at Branch Avenue, Suitland, Maryland, developers and planners have backburner plans on how to revitalize the corridor using gentrification models such as improving transportation hubs, taking advantage of area attractions (such as museums, plazas, library) and the "hot housing market" to up the ante. This would include acquisition and redevelopment based upon undervalued buildings, with Council representatives, such as the former Councilman Jack Evans involved with the West End redevelopment scheme (later exposed at City Paper and/or District Dig).
Again, the West End Library has become a mecca for area residents and the homeless population to while away the hours sitting quietly or surfing the internet; nevertheless, with each such development, the pay-to-play lobby ensures that officially very low-income remain excluded from the "affordable housing" units in these luxury apartment buildings. Everyone knows this, and no one better than the City Council, the ANC representatives, the DC Housing Authority spokespeople, and so on----because it's the local government's biggest business!
To their credit, despite the Covid-19 disaster, Mayor Bowser has given generously to the needy in the form of emergency housing, even paying for three area hotels worth of housing for the aging and homeless during the crisis. With these come free meals, cleaning services, and readier access to social workers, medical clinic outreach and placement services. It has helped thousands of people off the homeless lists over the past eight years. The outreach workers are often sincere because many are volunteering for the detail, going out in the field, performing additional work outside their normal hours. In this way, in general, the entire Council is on board with at least trying to appear to support public welfare.
Yet the notion that some are in it to help themselves is why it should matter----holding officials responsible. A glance at District Dig will reveal that there are plenty of scandals to address---even if maybe they are only the tip of the iceberg! More importantly, is the normalization of the public perception that public welfare recipients are chattel, and that the Mayor can rule with an iron-fist, or adopt authoritarian poses in her last years in office. (It is uncertain whether she will demand a fourth term). Already, the message of the Democrats towards the poor is increasingly a "take it or leave it" attitude, and this would even include those stuck living in a tent on the street----that they had better vote for the incumbents and not complain!
This sense of virtue-signaling and political entitlement is rife in many ways in DC. Since this weekend is Juneteenth, I realize I even have a small penance. Non-blacks or Asians become frustrated and angry with the "home-grown" attitude of many DC blacks---it's almost a given sometimes. Yet, looking at the hidden hand behind the City Council, who are these Councilpersons beholden to? The development interests who are the creme de la creme of "white" local natives---and not infrequently of Jewish persuasion, who wield an inordinate power in the press, even right down to Street Sense Media, which spokes now include partnerships with PatchDC, DCLine, District Dig, City Paper, and grand-daddy Washington Post.
Why? Why is a small community citizen watchdog paper unwilling to allow it's black vendors a leeway in writing their own articles, or in openly trying to censor them? Why do they consistently privilege a coterie of "competitively-granted interns" who have not even graduated from college? Only a handful of writers are exhibited, and the same cliquishness is evident in many remaining newspapers. They simply cannot admit how free-market democracy is failing the poor; they must contrive to uphold an idealistic architecture of pedigree over the poor, unwashed masses. This kind of bipolar patronizing philosophy is thriving now in almost every nonprofit organization serving the poor in DC.
The philosophy is that once you are on the receiving end, you no longer deserve to be the master of your own person. You have become possibly a useful tool, useful prop, but otherwise, easily thrown aside. There are often employees, who may even be paid foreign operatives, working to ensure that a rigid careerist mindset predominates in the company culture that dwarfs or eclipses the altruism of trying to put the needs of the clients first. The same operatives were or remain in place due to Covid, who encouraged hospital administrators to adopt emergency measures that benefited the hospital's profit motive, first and foremost, no matter how many patients die.
That is why, even if it seems like an empty gesture, and the pollworkers may be laughing at how long it took me to decide who to vote for, it is still important to try and vote. Of course, now I know I have a lot more to do besides voting. I cannot go back to street vendoring for Street Sense Media----the black and white dynamics were like a chasm---broad and painful. But I am thinking about that vendor in my dream trying to sell me a subscription, about Mitch Snyder, who gave his life to the CCNV---and may have been the victim of foul play.
About Reeves Center, and the miserable coming teardown it will have to endure, just like Walter Reed Hospital Center did, for the sake of more ticky-tack luxury playtowers.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Fighting the Karma for #FreedomConvoy and #ConvoytoDC
Fighting the Karma for #FreedomConvoy and #ConvoytoDC
There is every evidence of a united world order being used to not only wage war against humanity but also to stifle the views and credibility of the protesters amassing worldwide against Covid Vaccine mandates. The mandate requirements have become as stringent as the authorities allow themselves; the uniformity globally is such that it cannot have been but foreplanned. In various nations, those who are not sufficiently Covid-19 vaccinated must remain in lockdown. Some are arrested, their goods confiscated, shops robbed, and every indication is that the authorities are backed by totalitarian-minded others, who will continue to take it as far as they can go, including issuing death threats.
What is at the heart of all these mandates? By now, anyone doing a bit of independent investigation will uncover that these Covid vaccines are creating much higher numbers in vaccine related injuries and deaths than any of the more thoroughly tested vaccines approved in the past. People can uncover the obscene relationships between the FDA and Big Pharma, as a recent Project Veritas investigation revealed. But is there more to the quest for hoarding profits and taking over the hospital system than just issuing Covid mandates?
What if the hidden agenda really is a eugenics program to rid the planet of the disabled, and to euthanize anyone whose social credit score is too low? Already there are reports that some officials, such as Dr. Zeke Emanuel or Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, believe that we can get rid of the undesirables but replace them with "hackable" humans. The ultimate aim is to rid the planet of its excess populations, according to the Georgia Guidestones, a set of ten guidelines for a utopian society. The problem on utopian societies is not the aims themselves but what totalitarian measures are put into place to achieve them.
Must we murder 7.5 billion people to maintain a select 500 million humans? How will we pare the populations without harming the ecosystem? What new "living universal language" are they talking about? Do we force people to take medications to achieve a universal tempered reasoning? What exactly will be a balance in personal rights and social duties? How many will the authorities falsely charge, kill, and maim in the process, or rob of their livelihoods and sources of income in order to achieve such a status quo?
These sorts of questions cannot be answered when blunt instruments are used to achieve ends while violating human free will, nullifying religion, or ignoring ethics. Another problem with the New World Order is corporations can presumably rewrite the laws or add clauses to annul or countermand the original purposes of Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Many of the #FreedomConvoy type of independence-loving, libertarian-leaning voters are particularly suspicious over how much power specific UN related bodies now have for controlling global resources. As a think-tank, the World Economic Forum holds tremendous sway over the global direction taken by world leaders and corporations.
What is at the heart of its goals whether through the Global Health Initiative or World Health Organization? The fact that these approaches appear to supercede national decision-making indicates something quite sinister is happening or has taken hold. Citizen-journalists note that once the Canadian Prime Minister declared Emergency Powers by invoking the Emergencies Act, the United Nations flew two planes to North Bay, Ontario. Last week, huge numbers of police were bussed into Ottowa, and they amassed in large numbers at other demonstrations, even though the protests are peaceful, and there has been no violence or threats of violence by the truckers. In Australia, there are even reports of police using military-grade weapons, such as ADS and LRAD to confuse the crowd, and cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, blisters, and skin burns. In the United States, protesters have experienced their smartphones freezing when police use Stingray technology to surveil and gather data.
Over the week, the Prime Minister Trudeau justified his measures strengthening his rhetoric with threats to close down bank accounts, arrest uncooperative tow-truck drivers, and withhold insurance to truckers. As he made good on these threats, many truckers had no choice but to leave. Police were also breaking into trucks, smashing windows, stealing supplies, and harassing shops owners. They picked off the crowd, issuing tickets and installing barricades. Even people who made donations to truckers were under threat of bank account closures. This was in addition to the forfeiture of funds shut down by the GoFundMe fundraiser, and a hacking into the GoSendMe #FreedomConvoy's account.
While truckers are uncertain as to the outcome of their leaders, who promised to help any trucker in need, one thing is for certain. The police are aided and abetted in their brutality by an Orwellian government. There are some openly wondering if this had been an LGBTQ protest or demonstration, wouldn't the Prime Minister had enthusiastically come out, and lead the charge, as he has in past parades, dressed in a pink oxford shirt? But instead, because the leaders are merely from white-middle-class Christian families, there appeared to be no such luck, even when millions had come out in the dead of winter, holding signs, standing in the freezing snow, and holding rallies, such as in Ottowa for days on end.
Now that Ottowa is becoming a new dead zone near the Parliament, reminding one of the dead zone in the blocks surrounding the White House, nothing remains but the spectre of the police. The police are threatening any cafe owners who allow truckers or visitors inside from out of town. Anyone within the red zone must be ready to show an I.D. or face arrest. Police disrupted the live-feed of a female blogger by knocking down her phone. There is no doubt that the trucker movement does have a gender-and-minority gap issue in media representation, but it is worse when the police openly brutalize or harass those in the minority. For instance, police used horses to stampede the crowd, and among the ones they deliberately trampled was a disabled older aboriginal woman on her walker. Police also struck Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie with batons and shot her leg with a rubber bullet.
The Covid-19 death protocols are seemingly prioritizing the euthanasia of older people, children with Down Syndrome, people with medical conditions, and minority toddlers. It would seem from the photos of many suffering severe effects or death that these were often some of the kindest, gentlest, most enlightened of beings.
In fact, has an exclusive video upload by former rockstar and freemason member Altiyan Childs. In "Insider exposes freemasonry as the world's oldest secret religion" documentary, details abound on who is either a freemason or member of another similar secret society. Key indicators are their weird handshakes, signifying poses, occult worship, animalism, use of gematria, and phallus worship. However if these signs of hedonistic indulgence were just that, it would be one thing. In fact, there are testimonies of satanic ritual abuse by child-victims, former members, observers, and committed by members of presumably reputable citizens. This is what spurred Childs to make the video: he claims that freemasonry has made inroads among the top leadership in military brass, in transnational corporations, in legislatures around the world, in banking, among the United Nations (and the UN spokesperson for the Secretary General is of Rothschild-descent), in academia, and now increasingly, what is rapidly becoming the medical industrial complex.
It is not their mere membership which is so scary, although the membership in a sinister organization where the rules center around the top whose god is Lucifer is indeed creepy. It is the fact that they swear by the binding masonic oath---an oath trivializing the court bible---to do what is commanded so they may advance. And with each step, increasingly bizarre, soul-killing, bloody rituals are enacted, however symbolic. Childs is honest in his assessment that these freemasonry or kabbalists have a dedicated goal to overtake the leadership throughout the world, but they had probably not permeated thoroughly enough yet in cultures where there is still massive common sense, and culturally lofty goals nurtured by millenia of healthy spiritual practices. Naturally the Luciferians will not rest until the whole world becomes the heart of darkness.
Of course, the permeation and perversion now is everywhere, thanks to Covid-19 pandemic and the mass-formation that has turned brother against sister, wife against husband, children against parents, and resulted in havoc from bullies who use all kinds of scare tactics with impunity. What VaccineImpact and others conclude is that, more than anything, this is a time of spiritual warfare. The satanists would love to rid the world of anyone who is dedicated to good in a genuine way. We cannot count on the freemasons who have embedded themselves within the Catholic Church, such as the Pope. We must be able to identify them and steer clear. Even in attending mass, one can identify those there merely to exert their authority of rigamarole. One fellow does nothing except sit in front and wave his hand, imagining he is conducting the choir behind him. Others invent and exert some kind of staid social order to dictate to those beneath them. All these sort of hypocrites do not exude the kind of enduring love and fellowship which was a hallmark in early Christian society. They have their counterparts now in every Christian church or temple, and this situation is becoming evermore saturnalian. Even those who appear to be New Christian musicians are merely serving as Hollywood gate-keepers. One group at Hume Lake Christian camp obviously had staff embedded with some pedophiliac leanings, and chatting to teens about how they would party at night and listen to Beyonce.
Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Outdoor Sculpture pimps for the pedophiles (National Mall in Washington, D.C.)
Traffickers view grooming as a long time opportunity to entrap youth in slavery. Observe the crowd carefully in at the National Mall and one can identify who/what are there to spy on young families, spot potential weakness in the family unit, and identify programable children. Typically there are swishy male procurers, even cops and secret service personnel, who generally have no business hanging about the park or museum, but are always busily looking about. They are there to secretly stalk families, and follow them about in museum, park, church, school, hospital, etc. The masonic influence is so open that they have erected the most grotesque sculpture in front of the Hirshhorn Museum, a demon-statue with its genitalia painted in bright fruity colors. This is the city where Pizzagate remains an officially denied news story, even when common sense informs one that there is something very strange with Comet Ping Pong, or for that matter, Wayfair home-furnishings. Whether it is phantasmagorical-theme offerings of child-sex-food, $10,000 pillows named after missing children, or spirit-cooking play-cannibalism parties, it is nth-degree spiritually ill, perverse, and any parent ought to be highly suspicious and keep a sharp eye about in DC.
Clearly what is happening now is practically a global phenomena of social disorder beginning with attempting to corrupt the children from the very tender age of 3-4 years old, in pre-K, with scenes and fantasies of cohabitation, of experimentation, and of transgenderism. Children who are not even old enough to tie their shoe-laces are being programmed and tracked by enablers of satanic sex cults whether in school, afterschool, or as approved nannies. Unheard of and difficult to imagine, this is done in order to weaken their ability to think independently, altruistically, and castrate their capacity to ward off temptation. The educational curricula are designed by administrators most likely moved into place due to their masonic connections. Some occupy top cabinet and administrative positions, such as recently President Biden appointed Sam Brinton (aka Sister Ray Dee O'Active), a known kink-activist-transvestite to the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy - Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. In libraries throughout America, transvestite clowns are even invited to public library playtime with young children.
These are not jokes on the public; there are consequences. They are attacks against the People who vote leaders into office and who pay taxes to ensure that our government is well-administered. Today, too many decisions appear to be made ad-hoc, sub-rosa, lame-duck, bypassing public review, and following a NWO agenda agreed to overseas.
The solution, besides what #FreedomConvoy is attempting and what #ConvoytoDC may hope to achieve beginning February 23, 2022, is to continue to begin and end each day with serious prayer time and spiritual reflection. We must remain calm, prepare to fight back but do no harm, avoid toxic conversation, and keep the peace. We must continue to hope that in the end, the true God will win, and he will help destroy the false Tower of Babel that the twisted arrogant technocrats believe will help them conquer the heavens.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Vaccine Authoritarianism: What would Jesus Do?
Jesus would not comply: here's the evidence
Jesus blesses the poor, the innocent, the peacemakers, and the persecuted (Illustration from |
If a Jesus were alive today, he would not comply with the vaccine mandates. I don't believe Jesus and his disciples would support vaccine authoritarianism or medical martial law because they lived beyond fear-mongering. Whether an individual complies or not, because s/he is on Earth to hopefully model and spread the Good News.
In my reasoning, I am not following the current "science" of amassing and analyzing reams of digital data which themselves are easily manipulated. Witness the mass of unrelated deaths recorded as such. Or the fact that algorithms falsely tag data to establish a commercial media hierarchy in search engine optimization. Science has become what they want to see or expect we should, rather than what is true, tried, and tested. Empirical scientific evidence, such as natural immunity, no longer even matters!
All that matters is following orders for its own sake, so that the quisling in charge can be promoted.
It follows being an expert in theology may not pertain much here nor should quoting exactly from this particular Bible. Anyone who grew up attending church regularly in any way recalls many of these biblical stories from the New Testament. But they can be drawn from the Old Testament as well.
Do you think Elijah would have complied? Probably not, judging from his courageous and determined war against Baal (as beautifully described by Andre Moubarak in day 7 - Mount Carmel -- Elijah Conquest -- Baal vs Yahweh)
The miracles that Jesus performed were not merely gratuitous. His miracles of compassion were performed out in the open, in homes, in gathering places, even on boats. There were no pre-conditions for those present. Anyone was free to listen whether young, old, rich, poor, whatever their health status. His disciples were not screening people for diseases.
Jesus vetted his disciples when they joined his ministry for their ability to become faithful to his teachings, their receptiveness, and future potential to translate and spread the Word. Those were the only major criteria at the time. Women numbered among the early Christians as indispensable as well. They were, to be honest, a motley crew just like Buddhist monks, for they relied upon the generosity of the fellowship. It was a time when there was no fear among themselves, only trust, unconditional love, and the ability to reflect.
Today the elite only want to spread fear, distrust, and a new world order.
"Now the disciples crossed to the other side and forgot to take bread along. Jesus said to them: 'Keep your eyes open and watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.'" (Matthew, 16:5-6)
Now we can view the false bread, the bread that will supposedly free us of all ills, as these experimental vaccines. Massive data collection, vaccine passports involving monitoring, testing, and boosters are part of global surveillance capitalism---and the attempt to subjugate humanity under the rule of artificial intelligence---the new false gods of Baal and Moloch.
This is contrary to the inclusiveness of Jesus's teaching in which there are only the messages of love and hope and peace. An example was his curing of the ten lepers, which would occur when they showed themselves to the priest (Luke 17:11). All ten were cured on the way, whether or not they recognized Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus respected the temple for containing the law, but he worked outside prescriptive laws. The pharisees, those in control of the temple, viewed Jesus as an anachronism, a rebel, a nonconformist.
Today, many religious institutions kowtow to various authorities, politicians, and pecuniary interests. They are confined by dogma and merely implement the law.
Jesus cured so many different people, whatever their condition, background, and conviction. He did this as part of his ministry and teaching, but made it clear that it was done to exemplify God's spirit, and certainly not for "beer and bread, a comfortable lodge," as his forty days in the desert demonstrated. (Mark, 1:12-13)
"And a scribe came up and said to him: 'Teacher I will follow you wherever you go.' But Jesus said to him: 'Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.'" (Matthew, 8:19-20)
Jesus was an iconoclastic figure, not an institutionalized careerist. He viewed the number of conversions as his wealth, even entrusting his silver with an embezzler, Judas.
Ultimately the pharisees and city officials wanted to do away with him because they did not want a Christian faith, were not ready for it. It was these false teachers who determined who entered the kingdom of heaven, who would be admitted into the sepulcher.
"Be on your guard against men, for they will hand you over to local courts and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you will be brought to governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations." (Matthew, 10:17-18)
The Sadducees and pharisees and scribes attended these meetings and used their powers to observe him closely for abrogations of custom. Obviously they found many from Jesus, who was merely baptized by John, not authorized as a chief priest. The idiosyncracies were numerous. Jesus cured on the Sabbath, the disciples plucked grains from the field to eat, they did not obey the protocols on cleanliness. Jesus did not reject any sinners and criminals mixed in with the listeners. The scribes sought to entrap him with trick questions, but over and over again, his forthright answers and parables left them speechless and perplexed.
If anyone doubts we are not living in the final days, those doubts can be settled: it is right now. We are seeing like never before, a global-elitist body planning and legislating policy to be implemented by all nations. No review or approval, just executive orders. The rank-and-file officials and quislings blindly obey. Liberalism has reduced itself to skin color and gender. Social justice has transformed itself into a false-messiah basking in the glow of manichaeism, the conflict of dark versus light, in exchange for name, fame, and gain.
Terrifyingly simplistic whoever the acclaimed authority, many new policies are inimical to the Gospel and to the foundations of civilization. They include encouraging euthanasia, police tribunals, military juntas, and corporate theft. On the chopping block are the elimination of public common-sense, and replacing it with mass formation psychosis. Draconian measures will be used on those who do not obey. Mass propaganda is increasing to ensure the population becomes programmable. Non-profit boards ensure that only a narrow spectrum of concerns are addressed. Experts are burdened with proofs of massive data analysis. Scholars are laden with demonstrating technical glitz rather than broadening their life understanding. BLM or social justice watchdogs attend local celebrations to play the judge on correctness or file lawsuits. Pedophilia is slowly becoming legalized. Children are being exposed to spectres of sex, transgenderism, and pornography at increasingly young ages to rob them of innocence. Human trafficking and exploitation of the vulnerable go unpunished.
Everywhere mixed messages abound and are multiplying, while the rules change daily.
But Jesus would not sit idly by and neither would his disciples, nor prophets before him.
"He continued teaching daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the principle ones of the people were seeking to kill him; but they did not find any way to do this, for the people one and all kept hanging on to him to hear him." (Luke, 19:48-48)
Socialized crimes are being committed daily against humanity which are not being broadcasted. Community activism and empathy are dying. True critical and independent thinking is held up for mockery. Good religions are being attacked or defunded. All of this is pretty much in line with The Fourth Industrial Revolution vision of Klaus Schwab, who doesn't believe that humans should be human anymore. (Read "Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset -- An Overview" by Winter Oak at the Wrong Kind of Green, October 5, 2020). Of course, independents, progressives, and conservatives are fighting back, because this is not a red-blue issue. It's about biological freedom. Recently Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, announced that his office will not adhere to the Washington, D.C. vaccination mandate, according to the Washington Examiner ("Shame has befallen our nation's capital," Jan 14, 2022).
Have you been persecuted by family and friends over your vaccine resistance or questioning of mandates? Have they shut you down, turned you out of the house, or threatened you? I don't believe that is how Jesus and his disciples would handle things or speak to others. Whether you comply or not should be your choice, because we are on Earth to model and spread the Good News.
Spread the word and plan on attending the #Defeatthemandatesdc march on January 23rd. Visit to learn more.
Friday, January 7, 2022
Karma on the Bus
Telling it like it is, the unvarnished truth |
Karma on the Bus
The only way to fight the prevalence of karma all around us is to enlist the help of sentient beings. In my travel across the country on Greyhound bus this is what I have learned. This is not the first time I've done this, but each time, it has been an onerous spiritual challenge. I dare anyone who believes her/himself a true Christian or Buddhist practitioner to do this.
This is not an indictment on Greyhound bus lines. During my travel, the views of the surrounding country, its small towns, rural farms, mountains, deserts, and sparkling cities at night are breathtaking. One can receive a better sense of the state from the ground whether it's the health of the economy, resources, changes in farming methods, transportation improvements, and so on. Of course being on the bus, the perspective does tend to heighten one's sensibility about social ills.
Karma on the bus
Expect lots of karma whether at the bus station, the premises, or on the bus. I will start with the bus. As various commentators have noted, many buses smell bad and are not regularly cleaned. Bus drivers hardly ever pick up the trash (probably not part of their work contract). They do not help passengers load or unload their luggages. However my experience is its actually safer to do your own loading and unloading of one's luggage. This is because the porters only prioritize shipping packages. Passenger luggages may be deliberately stacked in ways that circumvent your being able to locate it. When I finally arrived in DC, the porter seemed more in a hurry to go on break than help me find my luggage. He closed the hatches on the other side even after I finally spotted what seemed to be my luggage from that side. He yelled at me repeatedly for removing luggages in order to reach mine. Then he yelled at me to that I had to put them back inside myself, even before I had pulled my luggage out. He had made no attempt whatsoever to assist me, except for impatiently loading back the luggages. I could see that he intended to load up the luggages just to block mine, so he could slam the hatch shut, yell at me more, and tell me to file a missing luggage claim.
Passengers who complain about their lost luggage probably lose their luggage exactly this way. The luggage is placed in the pile bound for New York City and impossible to find unless that hatch door is open on that side. I suspected the security guard in Charlotte would pull a number on me from his ridiculous behavior the night before and knew which passengers were NYC bound, so I looked there too, even if the DC porter was going to try to prevent me.
You need to be able to be loud, assertive, and energetic when the occasion arises. You have every right to be, irregardless if they yell back at you, call you rude, or whatever. Yes, I was energetically throwing out the other luggages in the way. Yes, I was screaming back at him that he is paid $20 per hour to load and unload not me. Yes, I had to lose my temper because if I didn't, it was very clear that he had very little intention to help me. He had already informed me that I should file a missing luggage claim. He did not move a single luggage out in the pile blocking mine, nor did he make any motion whatsoever to haul my luggage out even after I told him which one it was. His priority was to "allow the driver to go on break." I was justified in what I did, because I got my luggage back, and I would do the same thing again if confronted with such a predatory, arrogant, malicious porter. And just to convey to you that they operate by train, the gal in Charlotte who slyly told me to let the porter there load my luggage was reboarding at DC when she saw the ruckus---and she was smirking.
Charlotte, NC bus station in the north quadrant of the city |
Big time Karma at the station
It's really not structural racism in reverse, even if in fact that is what they are trying to institute. This is a moral war, spiritual war, and to transcend the black-white dialectics, one must be able to transcend the manifest hate whoever the party is. That is what my spiritual counselors tell me, and that is part of my New Year Resolution. It doesn't mean I am going to just take it when the porter is trying to steal my luggage; when the security guard pompously claims that he has the right to preach Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and can do so better because he is black; or when the criminal is openly stalking me by deliberately brushing by me repeatedly like a hyena eyeing prey at the station. All of this is not racism: it's karma, and big time because it is Satan who is always so deceitful and full of false comparisons. The devil can easily delude the masses into believing they are following the path of social justice when in fact they are robbing, abusing, and murdering for the false messiah. They will give it a fancy term but it is still unwonted unjustified crime against innocent victims. They will rationalize the law of the jungle, that it is applied train-theory, passing the hot-potato, moving the smart chess piece, but it is still deviant and sociopathic. The pity of it is that so many are being deluded into believing that this is civilized behavior, so they silently participate, even passively rejoice in the tearing down of the edifices of society.
The hellish night at the bus station began early in the morning when the bus arrived from Atlanta and the driver curtly told everyone to take their belongings off the bus because it will be going no further. Later on we were told that a snowstorm made it impossible to travel to Richmond. This is what we found out from other passengers doing research on the internet. Charlotte is a nightmare because the staff are disorganized and completely arbitrary. Of course this was how I arrived from Atlanta in the first place, since my original ticket was from Dallas to Richmond via Memphis. I would have been at least four hours ahead, but now thanks also to a broken down bus between Tucson and El Paso, I was additionally at least three hours behind and had missed the original connection from Dallas to Richmond. The ticket agent claimed there were no more seats on the bus to Richmond even though the passenger immediately ahead of me was able to travel on the Richmond bound bus. Again at the Dallas station there was much rudeness and mayhem. The driver delayed our departure about one-half hour and made us change buses because the seat belt light was broken.
Rather than operate a TV that broadcast the weather, news, or other useful information, this bus station manager in Charlotte plays horror movies, especially at night. This is to signal that they want you to be disconnected from reality. They are inciting tension, unrest, bad vibes, and stoking conflict on purpose. Apparently one night manager thinks she is running a circus show. Most of them think they are directing a live play, and each passenger is something to toy with. The TV is a vital causal agent in beckoning evil spirits into the station from the streets at night, as well as emerging from the various low-life passengers themselves, as I will further elaborate later.
What particularly infuriorated me was the visible targeted maltreatment of particular customers. Again these karma-laden beings sincerely believe that they are exerting social justice when in fact these are customers who paid, often extra such as I did for priority boarding, and have already suffered days of delay riding the Greyhound bus. The joke on the customer was that some thought that they would escape the delays at the airport. The extra demands on the system are from National Guard soldiers being sent on training all across the country. At every bus station, these soldiers were present, and they are given priority boarding and their seats are guaranteed. If this were Operation Snowstorm, one might surmise that they are also becoming indoctrinated into becoming future arbiters of the authoritarian democracy underneath the dictates of martial law. To understand that this might have been part of their assignment, every so often there were non-commissioned officers also present in the shipping process as if deliberately observing the soldiers' deportment.
Since I took the opportunity to spend the day in Charlotte to do some sight-seeing, such as riding the Lynx light-rail train, relax in the metro center area, and explore the UNC, the only thing I appeared to miss coming back was listening to some passengers moaning and groaning incessantly to real or imaginary lovers on their smartphone about the delays. The horror movies were still playing, the deranged staff was still barking at some passenger or other, and there were more want-to-be bus boarders shiftlessly wandering about. The one nice thing that GH did manage to do was one of the night managers ordered us pizzas. There was enough pizza for everyone who wanted some, and there were all-cheese options too. They know how to do barbeque-flavored pizza down South, and so it was not just Domino's.
All night the creepy crescendo increased and some of the staff laughed and joked about us not being able to afford a hotel. Actually, the problem is that the area has many criminally leaning homeless men, and so it's not safe to wander outside alone after 10pm. A walk outside to the parking lot around midnight and I saw a creature descend from a running car, and enter the station, no luggage, no intention to travel, but with a wicked gleam in his eye. He appeared to want to use the john but possibly as a prelude to instigate a disturbance. Another car was parked behind and marked as a taxi but the word was obviously scratched onto the paint; it was an unofficial taxicab at best, with the driver also appearing suspicious.
The only thing the staff did was to repeatedly throughout the night ask all visitors to have their tickets in their hand ready to show the security guard. The one security guard, a buffoon in the Don Knotts style of Mayberry, N.C. deputy, only worse, appeared to have a multifunctionary status as guard, errand boy, customer service, porter, and as we will demonstrate, later on, impromptu roadside minister. He turned as blind an eye as possible to the foulsome characters, the late-night demons emerging from angry restless men. For myself, what saved me and offered a measure of comfort for the sitters was that I held an open private prayer session that lasted several hours as I read from The Time of Your Life by William Saroyan, Three Ways to Pure Land by Master Shih Chen Yen, conducted meditative exercises doing Dafa, and also prayed some Rosary and from my St. Rita prayer card. Of course the staff regarded me as a freak, but I was no more loud than the volume of passengers rap music, the TV horror movie, the wailing of children, or incessant talkers.
Satanic Mass at the Bus Station
The devil preys on unrest and tension, and a common time for humans is the late afternoon, often beginning around 3pm as the gates break forth and the demonic energies of the students pour forth at a fever pitch. It's not the students themselves, but the maestral winds that similarly are conducted from the bodies of other day breakers of all types, all colors, all classes of humans, as well as their helpers such as dogs and mischievous robotic devices. Westerners have no name for this, so it is unacknowledged, since no science has pegged mere shadows as materially existent. And yet sure as a ghost leaves a human body for dead, as a blessed pearl glows with an aura, as walls will voluntarily spout blood spots, the supernatural can manifest. Overnight a blessed bag that I had retained over the last three weeks, spotless and clean in my carryon luggage, sprouted a blood spot and tear on it, and it had not been touched by a human since the inner contents were undisturbed. It was lodged in the compartment above the head of two migrants, a husband and wife team from Senegal, which male kept staring at me hostilely all night long in Charlotte, in Raleigh, all the way to DC. It was not the volume of the noise from my mouth as I read aloud; it was the very fact that I dared to read at all, read aloud, and from treasury books. At one point as he stared, while others stood around and angrily chattered about the boarding time, I told him I had the right to read, and read aloud, as this is a free country. Many people, but especially immigrants, do not want to understand that. Operation Snowstorm is about recruiting as many obliging third-world lackeys as possible whatever the color, class, or creed, as they do not believe in idealism, will do anything to survive, and are indoctrinated that everything is about social justice. The army recruits find them preferable because they will not think for themselves, and put social pressure on the intellectuals and noble-minded to sacrifice themselves.
My experience living in a homeless shelter also demonstrates that the sinister energies also emerge 12 hours later, around 3am. People afflicted with dissociative identity disorder will sit up and start staring at different sleepers in the room as if sending them messages----and indeed they are----you can feel a nightmare pitch in the room. The wise learn to sleep with something like a radio on, or not to sleep at all. So this was exactly the situation at the Charlotte station. There were no more than about ten whites in a room of a hundred, and most of us were parked on hard metal benches, and none of us slept a wink. Especially the white women, some of whom just sat all night long keeping a stony stare about them. One piled up right next to the women's bathroom which I realized later was a safe place against the wall. Another piled up next to the depot departure gates door, another discreet safe area. About six white people, all buddies, piled up around the TV and were lying down on a homemade quilt laid upon the floor. A white dude was just sort of sitting at the back and keeping an eye on everyone and everything. Some whites who are semi-homeless looking just kind of let it all hang out lolling in the benches like it was bedding. The trick as the migrants from Senegal demonstrated is to tuck your legs underneath the open arm rests; or to find two benches that are pushed against one another then the arm rests are four seats apart.
The reason why I could not sleep was because I know that the sinister energies are going to manifest. I should have kept praying, but I was also imagining that the bus would be here soon, since 3am is just an hour from 4am; and the digital board posted that the boarding would be as soon as 4:30am. Plus several times that night there were other boardings and arrivals. So I had to keep an eye out on the arrivals as well. The low-lifes typically wear baggy pants, oversized clown shoes bright red in color, baseball cap on backwards or some hat to that effect, and hands in their pockets as they sullenly take in and surveill the passengers. One guy, presumably deaf, was very restless as he kept looking at me very strangely and kept walking back and forth behind me. I had my backpack on with my wallet on my person, so I could not imagine he would attack me openly, yet I knew that was not the reason. He was waiting, expectant as if. His wife, also deaf had earlier been talking with the buffoon security guard, operating as a distractant. She was also posted on the back bench (the visitor parking side of the station) with a couple of others. For some reason her husband or companion was moving about and then randomly sitting here, then there. I did not want him shadowing me, so I moved from one row of benches to another, and he knew I did this because I was creeped out, so he purposely relocated to another seat where he could continue staring at me. There was definitely a fever pitch of thriller sensation going on because the TV was showing a horror scene with someone hacking away at someone else's body---bloody ritual for sure---but the obese white persons who were sitting beneath the TV were either enjoying the film or oblivious. Other lowlifes at the station also had these goon-staring going on. I cannot for the life of me make out why these people cannot read a book, meditate, do some prayer or reflection, or think about the marvelous night skies above and around Charlotte. They are enslaved by their rap interests and the bad poetry emanates from the marbly angry eyes as they search for who to blame for their life sorrows, who they might victimize for a bit of social justice, who they might do like they are doing on TV. Even the guard and the staff are sort of acting as if in a trance as conductors of the mass sacrifice.
Two bad things happened. Right around 3:30am as that weird disciple of the devil was planning his next move on me, the man nearby suddenly let out a loud scream and fell on the floor in an attack of epilepsy. It was a loud yell, and shook me because it seemed as if the very thing, the very portal that the evil spirit had sought to manifest transpired. It reminds me of the deranged physicists conducting their time-space continuum research; enough banging around with the atom and maybe we will break open a wormhole for Satan to descend.
Two good things happened also. One of the white women sitting near the TV, a lovely slim person who had all the eyes of the lowlifes staring at her jeans, and who had got a dressing down for no good reason earlier by the female night manager, immediately came to the rescue of the epileptic. She had experience working as a medic, and got to work immediately helping lay the man down, making sure he did not choke; the white dude from the back also came up and it also appeared he had experience with handling such emergencies. Meanwhile the guard made an emergency phonecall, while the two babysat the epileptic for the next ten minutes. Strangely the stalker who had been focused on my person seemed to visibly look mollified. He shuffled away from nearby the epilectic victim whom he had been sitting only one seat away. The other low-lifes also appear to look appeased: the something bad they wanted to happen just like the rap music agonizes over, had happened. Everyone now had a focal point: relieving the epileptic attack. But the good thing was that in saving the man's life, no talk about color barriers entered the scene. It took too long for the ambulence to arrive considering it was located downtown. From the start of the attack to the arrival took at least 15 minutes, and by the time the 911 team arrived, the man was already sitting up, dazed, and being helped back up from the floor by the two good angels.
The good angels didn't even make a fuss that everyone ignored them after the emergency team arrived. Of course the guard was decent enough to thank them and ask them for information. But when the manager came in for the morning, she was in a super mean, nasty mood, and irregardless of whether she knew what had happened, it was inexcusable. Because boarding time had been advertised as 4:30am, I was near the priority boarding line. But this was not going to be just another normal departure to suit the circus managers. They needed to try to jinx our departure time as well. The guard told me to back away from that area. The manager suddenly announced that our bus would be delayed, announcing that very loudly (they don't use microphones here; all the managers are very good at yelling or shouting). The departing bus 1080, which had been up on the screen as bound for NYC for the whole night, suddenly was off the screen. I could glimpse every so often a brief appearance of that bus as being scheduled now for 5:35am, but because it was mostly not visible, no one could be sure. I was certain that the manager deliberately hid that bus line from public view, but that is beside the point.
"See that sign? It proves I'm the boss so shut up and go sit down!" |
Several other bus departures were scheduled around that time and the manager made the most of her circus conductor opportunity by announcing only some of the stops the bus would make. She did not announce the bus line number, just a few of the towns the bus would stop at. So various passengers thought that this was the NYC or Atlanta bus they were supposed to board rather than a bus bound for South Carolina. This one white woman, a German from her accent, had apparently been sitting and like a stone from at least one day ago, and she headed out to board the bus. She was somehow given to understand this was the bus she needed to board. Suddenly, and I was standing near the TV around the corner from the ticket agent counter, I could feel a hot heavy monstrous wave rush by me, and the short fat female manager went out the departure door chasing the German woman and began screaming at her at the top of her lungs! She had a temper tantrum yelling senselessly on and on at this passenger for heading out to the wrong bus at the wrong time! This total lack of decorum was shameful for any customer, let alone a foreign guest to America. Again, the only ostensible purpose it served was to mollify the malignant forces of devious social justice lens.
As the manager headed back inside and a hush filled the room, the security guard turned preacher on everyone all of a sudden. He apologized not to the passengers but on account of the unimaginable stress the manager deals with due to overbooking at this time. He told us the manager had not slept all night long, all night long she had been working in the back trying to coordinate arrival times, and no wonder she was so stressed out! He furthermore told us that we needed to be more mindful and considerate towards the staff just as we would all be if this were part of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream." Then, he topped it off with saying that of course he had the right to remind us about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. since he was a black man, just like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and this enabled him to especially quote, interpret, and apply it to whatever occasion arose.
So the German woman who was ushered back in continued to sit like a stone as she was now given to understand her bus (which she had been waiting for, for more than a day, possibly two days) would not depart until 9:55am. Of course given the snow-storm warning (but not shown on TV since the horror movie is more important) everyone was on edge who had to go to New York, Boston, New Hampshire or beyond. Meanwhile the manager continued to pretend (now I say pretend because it was impossible that with her experience she could not know) that the bus for Richmond was never going to come. I was so angry about her horrible performance that I took a picture of the station manager. To describe the delusionary grandeur and arrogance of these workers does not do the situation justice. I must repeat what exactly the picture frame says: "Greyhound CARES. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact the City Manager. We Want to Hear from You! City Manager [photo] Nia Lucas 704-371-5057."
I have a photo of this because hey, I might just want to call them up! But of course this probably is a joke because the station is a circus. She is NOT a City Manager. She is a STATION manager. But of course City Manager sounds more officious and that does warrant more pay. It's the morning manager or Nia that is a screaming shrew and needs to be fired for harassing customers for fun. But that will never happen of course because GHB system is pretty much captured by the Power of the People.
Yes, I had a little self-rant after that about Nia or her short fat orderly because she kept telling the Richmond departure group that she would have no idea when they would leave, that it was an indefinite wait, and they must sit and wait for as long as it took. I think I compared the station to Camp Auschwitz with some fascist Nazi wannabees compelling us to believe that this was a wonderful place to bivouac. I think I recall telling myself that I am at least as brave and courageous as a soldier of God, and that the wonderful gal who saved the epileptic man's life had been on the bus just a couple more days than me, coming up from Florida and headed to Maine. I think I secretly told off the security guard for thinking he had apologized for the Station Manager while playing God.
The final insult to injury at Charlotte was at 5:15am the station manager "suddenly realized" that one of the buses at the Gate was bound for Richmond afterall. She just had that mixed up because she named a small town stop, Greensboro, instead of Raleigh or Richmond, or so she claimed. Anyway suddenly we had our Richmond rush to the gate, and per usual this LatinX kept pushing me out of the way. I would get in line, and she would cut in front of me. I said I had priority boarding, and she would turn around and start badmouthing me to a LatinX immigrant peer she had befriended on the bus. No matter where we were going, she would always cut to the first of the line, board first, irregardless of who else needed to board first, just so she would try to have a full two seats for herself. And on the bus she would make loud long phonecalls and smirk at anyone who told her to keep it down.
280 miles east of Tucson, on the way to El Paso, Texas |
Bus System riddled with Karma
Having ridden the GHB across the country, I do have a lot of positive memories as well. Some drivers are decent, and they are even given to understand that certain passengers need more bathroom time, have a vegetarian diet, and like to take photos. A nice driver will stop at a local store-restaurant where they serve veggie burritos and hot entrees to go. Some buses will actually have clean windows near the front. They have cut down on cleaning the buses, but they do not steal items on the bus while cleaning. You will meet some credible people riding the bus, but more often than not they are ex-cons, indigent, immigrants, truckers, students, retirees, on rehab, or runaways. If you are actually a credible type person or have an advanced education, it's a good idea to not look anything other than a cleaned up bum. I met only one Asian during the whole ride going east. He actually showed up midway through the epileptic attack in Charlotte station, as part of an arriving group. The medics were still taking his vital signs, but the victim was alert. The Asian actually boarded the bus for Richmond same as me, and I was forced to sit next to him when I gave up my seat to a 500 pound white guy who needed extra space. The Asian had an audio player strapped to his chest that was beaming out very calm soothing music. It wasn't noticeable until I heard it right next to me. Whatever. I told him he needed to listen to Dafa instead. He got off even before we arrived at Raleigh, so it was a very short trip for him. As the only Asian female on most of the bus trips, I am not shy about saying I wear a hat to protect my hair from scabies or lice, and that I always have extra supplies on hand in my bags, and that I carry critical documents on my person. For some reason a few drivers referred to me as a "him." I have a pretty fierce look on my face, and gee, I am not going to apologize for an attitude if it must show itself. No way. It's because I already know about these places; I live in low income housing---am grateful for that---but it abounds with mixed messaging. They will tell you this is permanent housing, yet they always act as if they don't want you around, both staff and residents. The usual divisions exist and are nurtured to provocative gaming incidents by the same sorts of people. The rules are constantly changing and they will ask you to fill out a survey one day, then the next, tell you that you have no right to criticize, question, research anything. They will convince me I have a voice when it is time to have a "life skills meeting" with operative trainees in the covert programs; but then render it as unnecessary to participate in community landlord tenant unions. Of course, what you learn to do is read the underlying motives. If it is bound up in altruism and caring then it may be worthwhile to be respectful, civil, and humane in response.
The implied consent when you board the GHB which I can nickname Black Hound bus system, is that you give up your rights as a human being. Forget the days when school children could throw spitballs at the driver or call them all kinds of funny names. No, you are literally as reviewers at describe, which is shipping human cattle. But in the spiritual realm, it's because these drivers, operators, workers, guards, agents, porters, all need extra prayer. They are the ones who are broken and in need. They are rich in the assurance that they have a modicum of power and control over your life, that they rest in the shade of a famous national bus company, that they have a lot to gain materially whether harassing people, enabling crime, stealing their property, and advancing a fake cause based on the shallowness of the human skin. They are resting upon a foundation of delusion, chaos, confusion, and this is why they no longer even hire people who can drive a bus properly or fall asleep at the wheel.
Mohamed didn't fall asleep at the wheel but he sure can't drive a bus! |
When we left Tucson aboard the same bus as from LA, that bus was working fine. Sure it was making some funny beeping noises, but the other drivers had ignored it. Not Mohamed. He kept stopping on the road. Stopped the bus, turned it off. Four or five times at least till the bus would not turn on anymore. Then he said it was broken and we waited several hours in the bitter cold for another bus. At another stop before this, in Tucson, I had told Mohamed I had a priority boarding ticket, and he told me that was only good for the first boarding. I told him the stamp was for every boarding, but he would not honor it. At half the stations, there is no priority boarding line, and if you stand in line or try to move toward the front of the line for priority boarding, the passengers will start yelling at you. They will not yell if it is a creature who looks like their clone, but they will go on and on if it is someone non-charcoal. This one gal going to Mississippi from LA would not stop talking about me anytime she made one of her long personal phonecalls. Never mind that the bus had broken down, that the man who looked like her brother was arrested for shoplifting in Rustin, Louisiana, that there are a huge variety of roadside distractions or attractions to notice. Nope, just like a typical loon from the shelter, half her conversation would be about me, while she was staring at me with her bug eyes, trying to get under my skin like a giant-sized human pest. I didn't pay any notice for the most part, but it is typical of the mindset of some of the riders, how they obsess for hours over delays, schedule changes, perceived wrongs, discomforts, inconveniences, etc.
That is human karma at work too, since it is the New Year, and by the grace of God we did actually make it back in one piece, albeit with a bit of a cold and dry itchy cough from the dust in the air. I know it was the dirty bus air since once I arrived home, within a day I stopped my hacking cough, and within two days, my cold is almost gone. We are allowing more and more of the Mohamed types into the country. He doesn't like independent women; he sits and complicates any kind of conversation with all kinds of burrs in order to entrap; he loses focus but appears to love to talk and talk about the same thing over and over; he may even have a hidden agenda, as simple as helping smuggle goods under the bus; maybe even with the aid of some corrupted soldier trainees. The bad seeds we have sown overseas does come back to roost, and we must take more responsibility to not be silent, but in fact, collect ourselves in order to speak more truth to power.
Of course GHB or Black Hound Bus would love it if they can silence every single passenger that complained. They wanted to snuff the artist life out of a passenger from Fresno who asked that the bus driver turn the air conditioner down a bit. That bus driver didn't like him because he had carried his guitar onto the bus and looked too much like a community activist. So he called the police in Bakersfield, and that police were there to arrest the young man, a Fresno City College man, for absolutely no good reason except to mollify the dusty ego of the bus driver. Many of the bus drivers have a ridiculous egotistical complex, but unless it shows itself, it is not exceptionally bad karma. The bad karma manifests from day after day of driving some very perverse passengers, from porters who want to make a bit of extra money stealing luggages, from a lack of care of the environment such as showing horror movies on TV when passengers deserve up to date weather information. The bad karma endures when the corporation is trying to cut corners by cutting down cleaning and bus maintenance services allowing the buses to be run down to the bone. Lack of enforcing standards of safety and services tell people all Black Hound cares about is money.
Not what you think it is---all these Southern towns are sanitized---where have all the homeless gone? Oh where have they all gone? So long time ago... |
The most offensive karma is the neoliberal fantasy projected by Birmingham, Alabama GHB station. Sure, this is a brand-spanking multimodal station with connections to Amtrak, intercity buses, taxis, and all the rest. I kept wondering why so many of these southern cities (Birmingham, Jackson, etc) have no graffiti anywhere. Or why on a freezing winter night (28 degrees) do they have to kick out every bum and not even allow them to sit quietly in some corner. The insult comes from the HDTV broadcasting the wonderful smiling friendly bus drivers in various video casts in a multiview screen. They show the gal spraying disinfectant inside the bus and wiping and then waving a big broad smile at the camera. A hugely friendly GHB driver just ever so eager to greet all his customers waving his big paws at boarding passengers. A weather broadcast showing the weather in nearby cities. A real-time map showing the estimated location of the buses. (For some reason the bus we were on was not shown or listed as a different number). This wonderful wet-dream fantasy of riding Greyhound buses is unfortunately pretty far from the reality of stinky filthy buses, irritable drivers, bossy workers who are given to tirades, restrooms half-filled with broken down toilets, lazy janitors or porters who only do what it says on the union contract, and encouraging all manners of intimidation either directly or by proxy from false social justice representatives on the bus.
Brave New Black Hound bus---a straggler stuck outside glared at me and asked "What are you staring at?" His pup tent was about half a block down on a freezing night outside... |
As one reviewer writes and it is the same whether the complaint is from, or elsewhere, there are better national buses in Mexico. Doing a PR campaign such as hiring shills to post at does not cut it. Only the truth does. If a European traveler has the mistaken notion that they will get a wonderful tour of America riding our Greyhound bus system, tell them they had better watch their purse and their neck. They will be harassed without any admission of guilt ever by the staff, the workers, the lowlifes, the guards, the criminals haunting horrible stations like at Charlotte, North Carolina. They will be delayed and their tickets reprinted and forced to travel roundabout to other destinations before finally arriving to their real destination, several days late. If they complain they will be heckled and especially if they are convenient targets. This is of course a poor reflection of the United States and a national shame, a travesty on a once grand way of seeing the country.
Moral: The truth can never be hidden; the rotten hull will always be exposed eventually.