Saturday, January 25, 2025

Big Sister Want to Build Her Trust

Case Manager craves financial responsibility

Big Sister Wants Our Trust Unconditionally

There are many people who love to take advantage of the poor. Especially these days in the charitable foundations where they love to collect your personal information. Today with the growing push for "cloud-based" storage and unleashing of the Golden Age of Technocracy, more organizations than ever are legitimizing what was once illegal collection of information. 

Your face (Real ID), your blog (Microsoft/Servers), your bank information, all are someone else's information to exploit, just like Facebook has been caught remarketing photos for digital advertising. Your smartphone usage is tracked for the benefit of robotic technology research. Meanwhile Paypal (nicknamed Paypal Mafia) has grown rich making away with redirected funds, funds that were cancelled for violating policy, funds that are digitally hacked as soon as the pay button is pushed, ensuring the owner cannot turn a profit.

Maybe this is paranoia, but we do NOT have to submit to this. Why does the Case Manager (who is unlicensed) needs to know how I spend my money each month or at any point in time? And sign off with her "approval" as if we were not capable adults? Why is she tacking on "Referral Resource Name and Contact Information" for each amount disclosed. Huh? Even I don't know what this means. She wants me to provide the name of the person in the bank to provide her a means to verify the source and give them a call? Who the heck does she think she is? She is 5 times worse than the I.R.S.!

Of course Catholic Charities is a private charity, so they do not have to comply with federal standards, although they do receive federal monies, such as from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. At any rate, they do not intend to comply with any mandates by President Donald Trump. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is administered by the Office of Racial Equity (ORE) in DC Government, so nothing will have to change, because it is subsumed under the dialectic of Civil Rights and Racial Equity. 

"Do what I Say, Not What I Do" mentality reins a lot around here, so if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told everyone to dream of holding hands and loving one another, today it has been corrupted into carnal love and one-way authoritarianism. Once someone is hired, all she has to do is prove that she is realizing responsibilities to justify her title and paygrade. So by collecting our financial information, even if it is illegal, it provides the Case Manager the additional bullet point of "Managing and Advising Fiscal Responsibility for the Clients." That sounds quite impressive for building her financial portfolio. 

What choice do we have? We can choose not to comply (there are a handful of women with common-sense around here). I already notified my advisors of this issue, but I cannot count on all of them. My brother hardly ever has time for me. He has or makes time for my sister, even chauffeur driver from the airport to wherever. He makes time for my mom and my brother. He has no time for me, though, probably because there is no money in it. He won't get any expensive gifts from me. But even if I do offer a future promise (he can dispose of my burial remains then keep the rest), there is no great interest in doing that. The other brother is about the same way, but he is always trained to focus away from me based on our growing up conditioning from our parents. I was partly to blame of course.

No wonder that paupers today receive a burial dump by the Northern Atlantic Neptune Society off the shores of Staten Island if they are lucky. We will be consumed by fish, our swollen bodies swaying in the frothy waves, hopefully weighted down by stone. The Church is selling burial preparation plans these days, since they have spotted a hot market for Boomers Generation---Have you bought your plot yet? Do you have burial plans ready? We have all kinds of options for you to buy into! The local priest is so hot into it that he even had pamphlet racks of it for Christmas Celebration.

Seriously, we all have some of the same rotten relatives. They no longer call you because you didn't have children or get married. The Chinese are incredibly bad about this. They even openly shame you and make nasty remarks about you in earshot, like these church parishioners do, but of course, why would I point out that they are a special kind of Sadducees, going to church hoping to rub elbows and make new connections?

At least the Case Manager is trying her best. She held a nice "January Boutique" on New Year's Weekend. Nothing like starting the New Year off with a Special Invitation "House Winter Boutique: Shopping Experience for All!! Select from Women's Attire to include Dresses, Purses, Shoes, Jewelry, Etc." 

The used-clothes boutique is now a bimonthly experience. The clothes are received, unpacked, sorted, perhaps wiped down, not sure if washed, put on display, and she even has a "try-on" room in the Laundry Room cordoned off. It reminds me of a "Rainy Day" book that I used to read as a child, where the children gathered in the attic to try on all kinds of clothes that at least came from Grandpa & Grandma.

Except we don't know where these clothes originated. It seems that since this Case Manager arrived, all thought and concern about Covid-19 has been forgotten. So what if the clothes are not cleaned? I brought this up, and the reply was, "Well, I hope you find something eventually that fits you." And as for new clothes during Christmas time or to celebrate the New Year? 

I shared this on Brighteon, a very boorish social networking site filled with coarse vulgar robotoid-type people who also believe that race and identity are skin-deep, and someone told me, "Well who do you think you are, thinking you get to shop at Macy's?! You should be lucky to get any clothes at all!

I could point out that not all clothes at Macy's are $50 per blouse or shirt. I can point out that if it were not for the ordinary rube that shops there, Macy's would not have enough business. I can also point out that new clothes from China are so cheap, it's worth it to buy the clothes brand new. And as for time taken to repeatedly receive and unpack these "boutique" clothes every month? It's busy-work, meant to augment the portfolio and responsibilities of the Case Manager as usual. If that were not the case, then time-wise and money-wise, they could just issue us $40 gift cards for the Department Store, and that would be more than equal to the amount of staff time that they are expending.

Of course, it must be mean to not consider the rewarding experience of 10-20 people cramming into the basement TV Room (which only seats about 12 people or 6 people under Covid Lockdown) standing up shoulder-to-shoulder amid the makeshift clothes racks. If you are claustrophobic, maybe not so rewarding. It's not like I haven't said hello to any of my neighbors for the past few days. 

Yes, I know that there are the mean-spirited and hard-hearted and nasty types who will suggest that I better appreciate those old clothes, and find some dirty used shoes to wear, and be grateful for the ho-appealing red-slinky dress, and find that hot purse to carry, and adjust to wearing a sized 48 bra. 

You know, I would just say there are better more meaningful ways to spread Christmas cheer. A book to read about the Baby Jesus, and nice few Our Daily Bread booklets, a thoughtful cookbook, an inspiring book about the wildlife in Maryland, and that kind of thing. Is it really so bad to try to really challenge our boundaries of awareness and appreciation for the rest of humankind? We don't have to serve as the Echo Machine and Cheering Squad for Oprah Winfrey or BET. We can study Proverbs or Psalms, or even absorb a little of the richness and wealth from Hindu Website and Tzu Chi Foundation.

Most importantly, we can all learn to be more sincere in serving God, Jesus, and Humanity.